Monday, August 6, 2012

What Makes You Beautiful - The Piano Guys


Sparky The Happy Giraffe said...

WOW! I love that song!! And how they did it was really cool! Do you like the original song from One Direction? I do.


Cocoa said...


And the blog button for my blog is epic!!! Boy, i looked silly when i was little?

* said...

I didnt know there was an original version of that song. I'll have to check it out:)
@ cocoa
You were sooooo cute when you were little!!!(and you still are:)

* said...

Ok. I just listened to the original song and I have to say that I dont like the lyrics. They promote thinking about things that I don't believe is very honoring to God.
I hate it when they have music that is so beautiful yet it has to be associated with that way of thinking.
I love the music though! :)

Eli said...

That's how I feel about it, too. but I really love the sound of it! Some times, me and Caleb will sing the lyrics to Cocoa. She is so cute!


P.S. How did the new guy do on Wednesday night?

* said...

He did great! He preached out of the old testament and stuck to teaching the truth right out of Gods Word. He didn't seem to be nervous (I know I would have been!).