Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sharing About Myself

1. What is your favorite color?

2. If you had to chose between being stranded in the desert or the frozen arctic which would it be?
 I need more information before I could give an answer eg. How long will I be there?  Will I be rescued?  Do I have the proper supplies ( coat, sunscreen, food, water )?

 3. What’s your favorite animal?

 4. What do you like to do when it’s raining?
Practice piano, read, bake, clean, listen to Adventures in Odyssey( which I do anyway ).

5. If you could star in any movie what movie would it be?
I personally think that I would end up making a fool out of myself being the star of any movie ( just check out an older post where I played a minor part as an old woman in Rip Van Winkle and you'll understand ).  I don't want to star in any movie but I would like to play minor roles.

 6. If you could have anyone in the world come to your birthday party who would it be?
My friends and family.  Why would I want someone who doesn't know me there?

 7. What creature are you most afraid of?
In my neck of the woods I would have to say the thousand legger.  I usually don't freak out about bugs but this one I will NOT tolerate.  I almost put a picture of one to go with my answer but the thought of having to look at it every time I viewed this post gave me shivers. ( I seriously hate this bug ) Click here for a photo.

 8. If you could have any animal in the whole world as a pet what would it be?
A horse!
 9. What’s your favorite hobby?
Horseback riding!

 10. What are you most looking forward to this year?
Enjoying time with friends! ( I couldn't narrow it down to one event )

Here' the rules for the people that are nominated for this award!  I do wonder with these blog award things though, why do we have to follow these rules?  I don't think that I would be sued or put in jail for not following the rules but I suppose since they are there, I will obey them.
 1. Post award and rules on your blog.

2. Answer all 10 of these questions.

3. Award 3 Bloggers the questions.

4. Tell them in a comment on their blog that you have awarded them.

(please do not feel as if you must accept this award or acknowledge me in anyway for nominating you)