Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pysanky Eggs

Last Thursday evening, Mom and I went to the library to take a class on how to make Pysanky eggs.  We had a great time!
The the egg above is mine and the red egg below is Mom's.

Below, are some of the many eggs that were used as examples.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Amy On A T-shirt


Amy being too lazy to get out of her bed to get a drink.

Here she is barking out of frustration at me in hopes that I will give her a pancake.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

How Congress Violates the Constitution

Congress voted on the health care bill yesterday and it passed by 7 votes.  One of the things that the bill states is that health care insurance must be purchased.  But in the Constitution under Article 1 Section 8 (which outlines the powers of Congress), Congress is not granted the power to mandate health insurance.

Congress refused to call a convention even when over 500 state requests were made asking for a convention to make proposals for the amendments.  In the Constitution under Article 5, it says that if we want to propose amendments, the states must ask Congress to do so, but Congress ignores the states' requests.

Monday, March 8, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Fish

Click on the fish tank and feed the fish!