Day 1
Thursday, June 23, 3:25 pm.
We've just finished loading up the RV with our luggage and have now left. It is really really bumpy. I am trying to avoid being motion sick.
Friday, June 24, 10:00 am
We are just about to leave the campsite at Lake Keen, PA. It is really crowded with 10 people sleeping in the same RV.

Kristen, Mom, and I cooling off our feet on a bench in the flooded Keen Lake.

Kristen and I playing on the merry-go-round.
Day 3
Saturday, June 25, 9:40 am
We are in New Hampshire. The adults say we should be in our campsite in Maine by 3 pm.
Yesterday while driving, we all played mind games, solved riddles, and listened to Blue Grass music.

Dad trying his hand at the wheel of the RV.

Day 4
Sunday, June 26, 8:42 am
We have now moved into our rented camper. It is in better condition than what I expected, bigger too.
Yesterday after we got set up and had eaten supper, we kids went exploring the camp ground. There was a merry-go-round at the playground. I love those things!

Skipping rocks on a foggy day.
Day 5
Monday, June 27, 8:52 am
We drove around Acadia National Park yesterday and went on a short hike. We saw 2 doe, a buck, and lots of red squirrels.
Kristen and I slept in the tent last night. We were awakened by speeding trucks, howling dogs, and crows (at 4 in the morning).
Day 6
Tuesday, June 28, 8:06 am
Yesterday we wandered around the town of Bar Harbor (the locals pronounce it baa-haa-baa). We explored the shops, scoped out ice cream shops, and ate pizza for lunch. We were so busy with all of this that we missed our whale watching boat! We will be going whale watching on Thursday instead.
The rest of the day was spent here at the campground. Kristen and I went out in the bay while the tide was out. We were laughing really hard because of how the mud tickled when it squished between our toes!
That evening we had a campfire, ate smores, went swimming, and watched a movie.
Below are pictures from a place called Thunder Hole. For information on what Thunder Hole is, click here.
Day 7
Wednesday, June 29, 8:10 am
Yesterday we went to hike Jordan's Cliffs. It was really exciting! When we reached the top of the mountain, you could see for miles! It had an amazing view of the ocean, the bay, and the mountains surrounding us! It took us 3-3 1/2 hours to complete the hike. All of us were exhausted. We would have been done a lot sooner if it hadn't been for the adults wanting to stop for pictures so often.
When we got back to the car, we drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain. What a view! At 1,532 feet, Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park is the first place to view the sunrise in America from October 7 through March 6.
For supper that evening, we went to a seafood restaurant where we each got a whole lobster. This was a first for all of us. The tail was a bit chewy but the claws were great!
Day 8
Thursday, June 30, 7:27 am
Yesterday we went walking on the carriage roads to take a look at some old stone bridges. They were neat! Throughout the whole walk, we saw 3 carriages, 2 red squirrels, lots of dogs, and a doe.

Day 9
Friday, July 1, 8:48 am
Yesterday we went whale watching!!! I didn't get sick but the motion sickness pills did make me REALLY tired. We saw several Finbacks (one was a female named Quartz). Later we saw a Humpback named Gemini! After we got back to the dock, we walked through town again and stopped at an ice cream shop.
That evening we had a campfire, made mountain pies, and toasted marshmallows.

Day 10
Saturday, July 2
Yesterday we went hiking with the dads while the moms visited a little used bookstore and did other mom things. We hiked to the top of several mountains. After the moms picked us up, we went to Log Cabin Restaurant. Later, we went mini golfing at Pirate's Cove. The guys beat the girls team by 6 points, but that is mostly because dad got 5 holes-in-one.
Today we are leaving for home. We should be there late tonight.

Us playing Imagine-iff.

The moms intercepting us at the end of our hike.

When we got home after midnight, I hit the sack with enthusiasm.
We are all hoping to visit Maine again!
Hey really cool post! I have not been on you blog for a long time and i didn't know what i was missing!
P.S VBS is tonight if you wont to go! I'm still be in the play, but i'm still be in a class!
(Sorry I will still be in the play!) :)Oh,It's at 7:00! Or is it at 6:30? Well,i don't think you really wot to go anyway right?
It's 7:00 PM! :)
Hi Eli!
When are you going to put pictures of the goats?
I am going to try to write to you soon:)
Hey! bye!
How are the goats? Did cocoa get any bigger?
No,Cocoa is still the same little goat we all know and love!
Wow! I didn't just now saw how much bad spelling is on the comment on the tope! sorry! But you got what i was saying right?
Wow! I just now saw how much bad spelling is on the comment on the tope! sorry! But you got what i was saying right?
HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, about any bad spelling!
Yes:) I got what you were saying:)
Right now Anya and I are working on a piano violin duet for church. This Sunday we will be doing a duet of 'amazing grace' on the piano. It is really easy so I don't think we will have any trouble playing it.
Ps you are forgiven for the spelling errors
Congratulations on getting fish!
I like their names:)
You mack me feel so bad! :(
I'm joking! You are really nice for forgiving me about my spelling!
I think it would be more convenient if we continued this conversation on the July 4th post.
Let me know how your puppet acting is going!(for some reason I have the idea that you were excited for it :D
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