The Youth Olympics got of to a slow start due to the unsure weather.The teams that would be playing were Ketchuptonia (red), North Dijon Province (yellow), Democratic Relish Republic (green), and the Scallion Islands (white).
But finally it began with the first game: The Flap Jack Flip. The idea is to throw the pancake as far as you can. Holly took the gold with 40ft, I got silver with 33ft and Noah had 32ft.
(Nathan did not compete, he just wanted to see how far he could throw it)
In the next game each team lined up and at the signal, would have to race over to where a pile of paper bags sat. Each player had to grab a bag, open it, and eat whatever was in it. If they did not eat it, their team would get a 30 sec. penalty.
(Here I am eating SPAM)
Noah drinking V8.
Kara, trying to gulp down 5 crackers.
Our team was down a player so we chose dad to help us (just for this game).Dad is eating sausages.
I also had to eat a pickle (one of my worst nightmares).
This next game helped to wash down the pickle.
All you had to do was try to be the first team to drink an entire bottle of soda.
This was a crowd the first team to smash all of your teammates in the face with pudding.
Everyone was a sticky (and yummy) mess.

A "special" person was chosen from each team (not knowing why they were special) to lie down in front of a chair with a sundae dish on their forehead. Their teammates would stand on a chair, hold their arm straight out, and try to drop one ingredient at a time into the sundae dish. The team with the best-looking sundae won. (The Scallion Islands took the gold because they were the only ones who even got the ice cream in the dish).

Next was a very competitive game.
Each player had a number from 1-5 and when your number was called, you had to race to the middle of the square and grab the hot dog that was in the center of the square.

In the final game each member had to do a different job. For example, Katie had to toss pieces of cereal in the air while Noah tried to catch them in his mouth. My part was to roll an onion across the ground for about 10 ft, and Dad had to eat a pie as fast as he could without using his hands.(Here's dad eating the pie with Pastor Joe taking as many close-up pictures as he could.)
(click to get a closer view of Pastor Joe's face)

In first place was the Democratic Relish Republic. Second place went to the Scallion Islands. Third was Ketchuptonia while the Dijon Province came in last.
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